cranks, pilot bearings and auto trannies

Ameer Antar antar at
Sun Jul 28 20:55:40 EDT 2002

I finally got my torque converter off of the driveplate yesterday. (The last bolt
head was totally round; I had a friend drill it out, and we even got all the broken
pieces out of the t/c.) So now that I have the driveplate out too, I can't see any
roller bearings in the end of the crank. So does any one know for certain if auto
tranny models used pilot bearings? It just looks like a grayish machined soft metal
part, but I'm not sure if it really need replacement, cuz it's just a torque converter
attached there, which probably doesn't move as much as a manual's front shaft. I
was also thinking of going manual tranny, but would I have to pull the part out and
then put in a pilot bearing, or just push in the bearing? I'd appreciate any ideas or
if anyone has a picture of a crank w/ the pilot bearing installed.


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