'85 4ksq - A/C question

Bob H. rjh_tsi at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 28 18:34:40 EDT 2002

My A/C condenser is leaking, and I've secured a replacement unit.  The
system has already been convered to R134a, so I'm going to replace it
myself.  A buddy of mine told me that I should replace the receiver/dryer
unit also once the system has been opened up.

Naturally, the Haynes manual doesn't cover A/C at all since they don't
want to encourage anyone to play with an R12 system.

Is this true?  Looks to be a pretty simple part ... hopefully that means
it's not too expensive.  Anything else I should look for while I'm in
there?  I bought the car with the leak, but was shown with a black light
that the condenser is what's leaking.

 '85 4ksq beater

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