Warbling water pump??

Ben Swann bswann at worldnet.att.net
Wed Jul 31 14:11:22 EDT 2002

On Wednesday, July 31, 2002 11:53 AM, Konstantin Bogach
[SMTP:konstantin.bogach at morganstanley.com] wrote:
> I made tension even less.  I can twist best probably 110 degrees.  Still
> warbles.
> Konstantin.
> Bill Phelps wrote:
> > When I did mine, I tensioned the belt per the Book of Bentley... so it
> > only be twisted 90 degrees I think.. and it still makes the noise...
> > always wondered if it is some kind of cavitation in the water pump
> > that causes the problem. All I know is that it is at a very specific
> > just off idle. Not a big deal, just kinda bugs me..
> >
> > Thanks for all the input.
> >
> > Bill
I guess just make sure it doesn't flap or ride the sprocket.  If it is like
one I did on the 4000 q, it will go away in time.

BTW a little spray belt dressing helped.  Perhaps a little oil on the pully
shaft prior to install will help from occurring in the first place.  I have
not tried this.

Of course you don't want to do anything that will cause the belt to come
off or slip, so maybe it is bst just to live with the noise.

Again, I did and it went away in about 9 months of driving, mostly around
Thanksgiving and Christmas so folks thought I was cooking dinner under the
hood (yuk).


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