Strange encounter with Mouton/Pons Rally Car

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Mon Jun 3 03:05:20 EDT 2002

I bet this was a Quattro A2, but being an 84, it could've been an early
Sport quattro as well. Did it have the small rear side windows, or the
regular size? There is a gent in VW-Audi Club Norwegen that has an
ex-factory Quattro A2. The A2 is the last rally evolution of the LWB
Quattro. Big pics  of the A2 in the club; this one doesnt have the oil

87 Cq

John Naitove wrote:

>While out for a ride on my road bike today I was passing a house when I
>noticed a Coupe Quattro Rally car sitting on a trailer in the driveway. The
>car was yellow and white and the name on the windshield said (I believe) RM
>Motorsport,. Painted on the side were M. Mouton and below it F. Pons with
>their blood types (both A+). Was I blown away to see Michelle Mouton's car
>sitting in Westchester County (NY)! The owner, a man named Jesus Picayo, was
>not there, but I talked to his daughter. She thought the car was an '84. It
>had big bubble fenders like the early M3s and an intercooler sticking up
>under the rear spoiler. Apparently the owner has several Audis. Anyone know
>anything about this car?
>John Naitove

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