Strange encounter with Mouton/Pons Rally Car

Bob bob at
Sun Jun 2 19:56:11 EDT 2002

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It wasnt an intercooler under the rear wing, it was the oil cooler which makes it an A2. In that
part of the world, it could be Bruno's old car! If thats the case I think it is actually the first
A2 produced

Per Lindgren wrote:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
> I bet this was a Quattro A2, but being an 84, it could've been an early
> Sport quattro as well. Did it have the small rear side windows, or the
> regular size? There is a gent in VW-Audi Club Norwegen that has an
> ex-factory Quattro A2. The A2 is the last rally evolution of the LWB
> Quattro. Big pics  of the A2 in the club; this one doesnt have the oil
> coolers.
> PerL
> 87 Cq
> John Naitove wrote:
> >While out for a ride on my road bike today I was passing a house when I
> >noticed a Coupe Quattro Rally car sitting on a trailer in the driveway. The
> >car was yellow and white and the name on the windshield said (I believe) RM
> >Motorsport,. Painted on the side were M. Mouton and below it F. Pons with
> >their blood types (both A+). Was I blown away to see Michelle Mouton's car
> >sitting in Westchester County (NY)! The owner, a man named Jesus Picayo, was
> >not there, but I talked to his daughter. She thought the car was an '84. It
> >had big bubble fenders like the early M3s and an intercooler sticking up
> >under the rear spoiler. Apparently the owner has several Audis. Anyone know
> >anything about this car?
> >
> >John Naitove
> >
> >
> >

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