KKK RS2 race turbo charger

David Eaton deaton at tranzrail.co.nz
Fri Jun 7 09:31:30 EDT 2002

it doesn't come close to a k24 - which is a far better around town unit than
the rs2 turbo.  there is no way i would say that the rs2 turbo has "minimal
turbo lag".

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

		-----Original Message-----
		From: "Bernard Littau" <bernardl at acumenassociates.com>
		Subject: RE: KKK RS2 race turbo charger
		Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 07:39:37 -0700

		A normal, whatever that is, RS2 turbo is a good compromise
between high rpm
		performance and low rpm drivability.  This makes for an
acceptable every day
		driver that also has some serious grunt with minimal turbo

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