re. Revision to: Help with my new cam

Ben Swann bswann at
Wed Jun 12 16:32:51 EDT 2002


If the cam is a high(er) lift/duration cam than stock, you will likely
experience some lumpi-ness at idle.  You may need to turn the idle screw
counter clockwise a turn until you get the idle correct.

Also, you need to run the cam by letting the engine run at 2-3000 RPM
varying somewhat for about 15-20 min.


The car is an 86 5KCSTQ

I put the new cam in with out any problems. I kept everything aligned
(Crank and Cam at TDC). The distributor looks like its back to where I
started at. Now that I'm trying to start it, it runs really ruff, and if
it does idle, the idle is around 200 rpm. I tried moving the distributor
a little both directions, but that hasn't helped. I'm a little afraid to
play with adjustment screw not knowing what they do. My questions are,
how do I check the timing? What adjustment screws should I be playing
with to get her running better?


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