Stock fuel injection / 034 EFI

Marc Swanson mswanson at
Wed Jun 12 20:02:27 EDT 2002

> > Well, you can adjust the open loop fuel enrichment gain across the board
> > based on coolant temp.  The limitation you might be thinking of is the
> > fact that 034 does not go closed loop until X seconds (configurable)
> > regardless of if the engine is warm or cold.
> I'm thinking more of the fact that it takes a lot of extra fuel to make
> an infernal combustion engine run properly when it is cold, as in very
> cold, as Zsolt said, -40 cold... or at least, say 0 degrees F.  if the
> open loop enrichment you speak of has that range covered, I stand
> corrected.

Shouldn't be a problem.  I opened up the software to see the specific range
of adjustments..

you can set the gain at the following temperature threasholds (all in deg.

-13, 3, 19, 35, 51, 67, 83, 99, 115

> I still think the lack of feedback control on the idle speed is an
> oversight that should be corrected.

agreed.  There are aftermarket EFI systems out there with provisions for idle
control built in,  eg:

SDS efi: (scroll toward the bottom to
see a pic of the ISV or search for "fast idle")


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