Boost loss?? (after MC rebuild/upgrade & T3/K26 turbo)

Ben Swann bswann at
Thu Jun 13 15:29:22 EDT 2002

On Thursday, June 13, 2002 2:23 PM, Jim Green [SMTP:jeg1976 at]
> --- Ben Swann <bswann at> wrote:
> > On Thursday, June 13, 2002 2:01 AM, Rick Houck
> > [SMTP:rhouck at]
> > Ok thanks for the suggestions.  I have been over all
> > of this, been looking
> > for over 2 months now before finally consulting this
> > list.  I have not been
> > able to identify any possible leaks in the intake,
> > iIC's was strapped
> > already.  I am seeing a solid 18-20 vacuem on my
> > guage at idle.  I am
> > pretty sure the system is tight.  I keep looking.
> >
> > Right now my biggest suspect(s) are:
> > 1) The T3/K26 turbo just won't produce the boost.  <snippage>  I am
working under the assumption there is no problem with the turbo and it will
make sufficient boost once I resolve "phantom" problem elsewhere.
> >
> > 2) The wastegate is stuck slightly open <snip>

> Don't get discouraged, I think you'll like the turbo.
> If you suspect the wastegate, take the cap off and try
> moving the plunger up and down.  You may be able to
> tell if it's sticking.  The only other thing I could
> think of is a plugged exhaust system.
> HTH,
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq EFI
OK,  I did that earlier.  Seems just fine.

Exhaust is brand new from manifold on out running through freeflow cat and
Stebro system.

I'm hoping I find the problem is  3)  the bypass valve.


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