Looking for Garrett designation information and other hybrid info...

gerard gerard at poboxes.com
Fri Jun 14 22:56:06 EDT 2002


I've been "kind-of" following the latest rounds of discussions about
turbochargers on the list. I'm still confused though. :)

I was thinking of a K27/K26 hybrid for my little MC-1 engine, but the
problem is that I'm having a tough time over here trying to find a K27
housing or getting decent specs for it. The shops kind of say "we can't
give you information on the inducer and exducer sizes for the that turbo
unless we have it in our hands. So why don't you buy it and then we can
tell you what you bought?" :)

So, I've been thinking I'm going to try and get a Garrett cold side for
my KKK turbo. I know it can be done, some listers have done it. So I
have a few questions.

First, where is a good place to go online to find out about the various
Garrett and Turbonetic$ terminology of T3, T4, TO4B, TO4E, 60-1, 62-1, O
and P trim turbines and so on and so on.

What difference in performance and response would one get using a cold
side with a 3" inducer as opposed to one with a 2.5-2.75" inducer if in
both cases the excuder is kept at 2"?

The reason I don't go for a complete T3 or T3/T4 hybrid is that I
already have a pretty good K26 and would just like to scale up to more
efficient cold side without much loss of response (the MC and K26 lag
has never bothered me much, but I don't want to make it worse).

So, I guess my first step is to familiarise myself with Garrett
terminology and then find out what effects the different cold side
variables have on turbo and boost response. :) Any help is welcomed, but
I'm not looking to start another thread on the advantages and
disadvantages of the K24, K26 and RS2 turbos. :)


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