Timing belt fitting and clutch slave cylinder removal...

Fred Munro munrof at sympatico.ca
Mon Jun 17 21:04:19 EDT 2002

Hi Gerard;

Something is wrong - you shouldn't have to pry the t-belt on like that. In
fact, I would worry that stretching the belt could damage it and lead to
premature failure.
Check your new belt against your old one for length.
If it is the correct length, you must have routed it wrong somehow.


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From:	gerard [SMTP:gerard at poboxes.com]
Sent:	Monday, June 17, 2002 3:20 PM
To:	quattro at audifans.com
Subject:	Timing belt fitting and clutch slave cylinder removal...


I tried to fit the timing belt to my MC engine today. It's a
super-torque belt and all teeth on water pump, crank pulley and cam
sprocket are super-torque as well (for anyone who remembers all my
questions some time back). Pulled out the timing belt, slipped it over
the crank pulley teeth, slid the pulley on, fed it round the water pump
and the idler pulley and then up to the cam sprocket. The water pump is
completely loose and as far down as it can go, but the belt still
doesn't slip onto the cam sprocket. Seems like it will need force.

So before I screw things up I would like some tips on fitting the timing
belt to my MC engine ('89 200 turbo). What have a missed in installation
or have they once again given me something completely incorrect? Should
the belt need some strong pulling to fit over the cam sprocket? It goes
round most of the way, but then there's about 2-3 inches that look like
they need to be pulled up to get onto the sprocket.

Next thing is for removing a clutch slave cylinder from an 016 UW. I
have removed the pin (the UW doesn't use a bolt, just a pin), but I'm a
bit worried about the amount of force I need to apply to get the
cylinder out. What's the best route or can I use a levered bar to push
it out of its mounting hole?



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