quattro digest, Vol 1 #3555 - 15 msgs

David Eaton deaton at tranzrail.co.nz
Wed Jun 19 16:28:26 EDT 2002

and no electrics by hans and klaus...

		-----Original Message-----
		From:	Per Lindgren [mailto:lindgre at online.no]
		Sent:	Wednesday, 19 June 2002 12:20 p.m.
		To:	David Eaton
		Cc:	'quattro at audifans.com'
		Subject:	Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3555 - 15 msgs

		No Pentosine, I'm sure :-)

		87 Cq

		David Eaton wrote:

		>another truly impressive stat is that no audi has failed to
finish le mans.
		>100% reliability, over 4 races, (10 cars?) in the world's
toughest race.
		>is the r8 optimised?  there was a test drive of the r8 in
the latest
		>"autosport" magazine.  the driver loved the low down torque
		>instantaneous throttle response.  pretty impressive,
although i'm sure there
		>is at least 1 lister who could have done a better job...
		>'95 rs2
		>'90 ur-q

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