Propeller shaft: need advise, please.

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at
Fri Jun 21 22:17:02 EDT 2002

Thank you Peter.  I did not realize first that I can simply push metal part of
the put off CV. I thought that it is solid metal part of the CV.

So, there is no way to remove yolk without taking apart U-joint?  It make me
very relactant to change bearing .  It does not rattle or squick. Rubber has
surface cracks but no tears.   Is it difficult to get U-joint back together?

The play feels like1/3 mm.  Is it acceptable? Should I change it or just

I really appreciate your help.  I was waiting for response 5 days.  Luckily, I
have another 200tqa to drive.


Peter Golledge wrote:

> Konstantin Bogach wrote:
> >
> > I have taken propeller shaft off the car - front CV joint has play.  It
> > is too delicate part to experiment with.  Can I get a clue how to remove
> > CV joint (after lock ring is off)
> You need to:
> 1. pull back the CV boot
> 2. swing CV around until bearings come out
> 3. remove external CV race
> 4. support inner race in press, press out shaft.
> > and support bearing?  About support
> > bearing:  will U-joint come off easily after I remove the bolt?
> Mark the Ujoint halves with a punch to ensure that you know which
> way they were assembled!!
> U-joint can be PITA.  I used a longer bolt and a suitable bit of metal
> to 'push' the splined shaft out of the yolk.  One the joint is off you
> can get the support bearing off.  Make sure you grease the u-joint
> before reinstall!
> Cheers
> --
> Peter Golledge

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