87.5 Coupe T-belt done and questions

geordie clarkeg at telus.net
Sat Jun 22 00:30:22 EDT 2002

I just recently had the four subframe bushings replaced in the '82 Coupe.
WOW! Did they ever need replacing! We are talking some really, really,
really worn out bushings here people. They were causing my entire front
suspension to rattle and shake back and forth. NOT GOOD! So now I have two
new driveshafts, and 4 new bushings holding everything solid. It cost me a
small fortune in CDN $$ but hey, this is what happens when I don't have the
equipment to do it all myself.

Now all that needs to be done is: Timing belt & Water pump; Head job (valve
seals); Clutch. Funny thing is, these three things were on the priority list
until my driveline started to fall apart. sigh.

'82 Coupe

>> Reply-To: "AV8oR" <s8mania at earthlink.net>
> From: "AV8oR" <s8mania at earthlink.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: 87.5 Coupe T-belt done and questions
> Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 15:03:00 -0400
> Can't wait to install the new bushings and suspension!
> Zafir

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