'89 90q wngine management...

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 27 15:28:09 EDT 2002

--- alan pritchard
<alanthecelt at alanthecelt.screaming.net> wrote:
> i re strobed the car today, but this time i put the
> strobe at adifferent
> angle and was able to make out 0, 6, 12, 15, 18 to
> name but a few markings,
> as it was id timed to tdc with 15 degrees advance on
> the strobe, and that
> tied up with the 15 degree mark, so i advanced to 17
> degrees or there abouts
> and will drive it like that for a few (hopefully
> hot) days and check the
> fault memory for knock.  I am right in thinking that
> i should advance the
> timing as much as possible until i encounter knock
> and then back off a bit,
> is that correct?
The stock setting is 15dbtdc.  You might be able to
get away with 17.

Jim Green
'89 90tq EFI

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