90q shifter rebuild

WAUFX at aol.com WAUFX at aol.com
Sat Jun 29 13:06:52 EDT 2002


I am trying to rebuild the shifter in my 1990 90q so it doesn't pop out upon
a hard shift into second gear. : )

I went to the dealer to buy the rubber bushing, the one that is hanging off
of the white ball in the pictures at www.uvm.edu/~mkbigelo/shifter4.jpg and
www.uvm.edu/~mkbigelo/shifter5.jpg. The bushing is supposed to hold the
shifter in place but, in my case, just flops around. It is $70 at the dealer!

My question is, is this thing made aftermarket? Or will it be $70 from the
dealer to fix this? Also, any tips on rebuilding the shifter? Any BTDTs?



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