Audi/VW I-5 Engine rebuild TOOL list - What I'd need?

Ameer Antar antar at
Sat Jun 29 21:59:13 EDT 2002

so I'm gonna start tearing down a 5kT motor next week, and I know I'll need
some special tools. I know I have to get the vibration damper lock tool and
wrench extension. 2079 and 2084. How about pulling the idler pulley? Do I
need the special tool, or what else could I use? And what about the piston
pin puller/installer? Would other kinds of standard tool work? The only
other stuff I might consider is the cam or crank oil seal tools, but I
really don't want to spend $400 on tools now. What are the essential tools
for the job? I know of zelenda and sams tagsales, links below. Anyone know
where else to get these tools for less?

I made a list of the tools listed in the manual. Any of these tools very
important? Thanks in advance.

ID	PartNum	Description			Price	Buy
1	2003	crank oil seal installer		126.00	0
2	2003-1	crank oil seal sleeve		97.50	0
3	2026	pilot bearing installer		44.80	0
4	2079	wrench ext for vib damper	127.90	1
5	2080A	oil seal installer sleeve		20.65	0
6	2083	head gskt align pins			0
7	2084	vib damper locking tool		87.60	1
8	2085	frnt cam oil seal puller		140.80	0
9	2086	oil seal puller			49.50	0
10	3034	idler pulley puller		66.80	1
11	10-202	pilot bearing puller		38.90	0
12	10-203	frnt cam oil seal installer		125.50	0
13	10-204	valve guide seal installer			0
14	10-218	valve spring seat remover		0
15	US 1020	valve compressor			0
16	US 1030	straight edge			25.00	1
17	vw 207c	piston pin puller/installer		55.70	1
18	vw 387	dial gauge holder		95.90	0
19	vw 544	cam gear puller			46.50	0

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