lubricant for assembling calipers and MCs

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Mar 9 06:55:07 EST 2002

I'm sorry I can't tell you the exact size right now.
I have access to a large variety of sizes.  I usually
go there with the part, try a few and then purchase a
pack in that size.  Unfortunately, I've got 30-40
packs  of various sizes and wouldn't even like to
speculate  which  one it is.  On the piston side of
the assembly, use clean brake fluid to lube the
square-cut o-ring and the piston.  Behind the piston
and in the camshaft chamber I used Mobil 1 synthetic

Jim Accordino

--- Konstantin Bogach
<konstantin.bogach at> wrote:
> Hi.
> Can someone tell me what lubricant I can use for
> assembling brake
> caliper?  I thought I can use brake fluid for this
> but I found out that
> there is special lub for this.  Do I need to buy it?
> Can I use some
> other more common lubricant?
> I still can not find information for what ID size of
> o-ring I should use
> if a shaft size is 10mm (ID 10mm turned out to be
> too loose, in my
> opinion)
> Thanks.
> Konstantin Bogach.

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