93 90q - Problems Starting...

Robert Bauer rbauer at mediaone.net
Mon Mar 11 22:22:43 EST 2002

I'm having problems with my 93 90q starting.  I did run it low on fuel the
other day and thought maybe I had picked up some water in the lines.  Here
in MN we've had a cold week so I may have had some condensation in the tank
with the warming and cooling cycles.  It started the other day and I turned
it off thinking that I'd move it later.  Went back and it didn't start.
Started again today.  Let it idle for around 10 min and it died.

Anyone had similar experience?  I thought fuel pump the first time around.
But I wouldn't expect it to be intermittent.  Maybe the fuel filter is
clogged.  I haven't had a chance to test anything yet.  I did swap the fuel
pump relay and it's fine.  Maybe tomorrow I'll have a chance but thought I'd
give the collective knowledge of the list a shot too.

Thanks for any help!

Robert Bauer
93 90q
Minneapolis, MN

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