W8 engine and Twin Cities Auto Show

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Wed Mar 13 23:07:07 EST 2002

At 9:08 PM -0600 3/13/02, Todd Young wrote:

>Speaking of the Allroad, my wife now wants me to get one, gee,
>and she will really have to twist my arm. :-)


>They had an A4 Cabriolet on a platform, and some posters of same. Of
>course I grabbed one of the posters.

   Egg her towards the Cabriolet.  There's a SUBSTANTIAL price
difference between the two.  Like, more than 2x.

   I think the allroad is insanely overpriced, but apparently I'm dead
wrong; there are zillions of them around, especially in Weston.

   Weston center isn't quite as hip and trendy as Newbury Street in
Boston during the weekend(or Lansdown street and other club areas at
night), but it's damn close; different age group.  Instead of
18-and-20-something college students, its 30-60-something soccer
moms, trophy wives, executives, doctors, and retired old farts; both
groups are equally concerned with appearance of wealth and have no
trouble displaying it.  No doubt that there will be at least 4
Cayennes soon as they local dealers start filling orders from the
waiting lists they have.  Its great..I never need to actually go to
an auto show; I just run an errand at the bank.  Saw two brand new
Mercedes wagons in a row just 2 days ago(they look better; more
chrome, among other things, tastefully done.  I guess the type44 has
turned me into a real sucker for chrome.)  About the only thing I
haven't seen a lot of are the new 7 series sedans, with damn good
reason...they're hideous.

Personally, I'd wait until they start coming off leases.  Let someone
else pay to be "hip"; look how well that advice turned out for people
who decided to wait on the S4tt for a while!

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
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