1988 Audi 90 Quattro

James R. Dornenburg monjack1 at bellsouth.net
Fri Mar 15 22:10:43 EST 2002

Help, please!  My Audi has an awful problem - it is intermittently losing power, sometimes just
lurching (the tach drops to zero then bounces back up) and continuing on with power; and
sometimes totally losing power and leaving me stranded.  This problem began with the so
infrequent lurch that it didn't appear to be a problem, to now - the lurching is as often as 3
-4 times in a three mile stretch, and as often as every other short drive, I experience total
engine failure.   If I wait,  the engine will eventually restart.  And, run as if nothing is
wrong.  Although it takes some serious cranking to get it to restart.  My mechanic has tried to
diagnose the problem; however, he has been unsuccessful so far.  He thinks it may be a computer
chip regarding the spark.  I really, really like my car and will appreciate anyone's suggestions
as to what the problem may be, or perhaps someone else has experienced this same problem.  Thank
you for your help.
Possibly related to the problem....
Heating unit for the car seats clicks when it has been on for a while.
The ABS brake indicator light comes on behind the steering wheel and the dash push button will
not engage the brake system.
The car lurches when the A/C is engaged.
There are 152,000 miles on the car and it has been very well maintained, with only minor
problems through the years.  It did have a vacuum fuel pump problem a few years back.  Don't
know if any of these issues are related...but thought the history might be helpful.
monjack1 at bellsouth.net

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