Subframe bushing bolts '90 100

Huw Powell human747 at
Thu Mar 21 17:31:55 EST 2002

> While trying to track down an annoying suspension rattle I noticed that my
> subframe has fairly easy movement in it when levered with a pry bar.  I put a
> socket on the right forward bushing bolt to attempt to tighten it (as it was
> loose enough to spin the washer with my fingers) and it just spins as if
> stripped.  Two questions: 1.  How much movement is normal in the subframe?
> 2.  What is the subframe bushing bolt threaded into? 

first, my experience is not with 100's per se...

1. the subframe should not move, the bushing simply lower the vibration
transmitted to the car body.

2. the bolts usually thread into captive but loose nuts.  Try loosening
the "bad" one yet?  maybe you will get lucky & it will come out.

Huw Powell

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