rear output seal leaking on trans

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Mar 26 15:25:13 EST 2002

I just did one in an 89 200q thanks to a spent rear
bearing.  The whole T*rsen comes right out by removing
the carrier end plate.  To disassemble you'll need
large snap-ring pliers and a press.  Very simple
procedure on this car.

Jim Accordino

--- "Richard J. Andrews" <tech at> wrote:
> any way to change one of these?
> i just put the transmission in and didn't see a way
> to do this seal.
> anyone have a part number for it?
> this is the seal that is where the driveshaft
> connects,
> already changed both of the left and right output
> seals.
> TIA!
> rich
> '86 4kq

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