was rs6, not automatics

David Eaton deaton at tranzrail.co.nz
Wed Mar 27 11:45:51 EST 2002

i disagree.  after driving the s6 v8 tip, i prefer the auto for city
driving.  can't see why you would want a manual with a big v8 like this.
certainly the rs2 with it's heavy clutch is a pain in city driving.  i
wouldn't even consider an rs6 with anything other than a (good) auto.  tip
is a good compromise, and the s6 one is noticeably better than others that I
have driven.

'95 rs2
'90 ur-q

		-----Original Message-----
		Andrew Duane USG  wrote.....

		>Why is it that Audi seems to think anyone who wants
		> something a little larger than an A4 is incapable of
		> gears? The lack of sticks is appalling (but not just on

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