turbo studs

Konstantin Bogach kbogach at comcast.net
Sun Mar 31 22:38:04 EST 2002

I realized that I forgot to mention that nuts were frozen on the studs so I removed studs turning them.  Plus, I
remembered that I used heat too.

Konstantin Bogach.

Konstantin Bogach wrote:

> I soaked them in penetrating oil, then used box wrench when possible or open end one and a hummer.  Hammering the
> wrench helps to break those studs.  This way it is less possible that you snap a stud.  I broke only one stud
> when I tried to pulled the wrench.  I replaced them with full threaded studs from McMaster, class 6, if I rememer
> correctly.  Don't use very hard material. If it ever break syou will be in trouble.  The original stud length is
> 21.5 -22 mm.  I used 25mm studs if I remember correctly.
> Good luck.
> Konstantin Bogach.

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