Ed Birch edwbirch at
Fri May 3 12:42:47 EDT 2002

From:"TM" t44tq at
To: "Ed Birch" <edwbirch at>,  <quattro at>
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: New TDI

> Sorry Ed, but in the US, virtually no one except for those in the know
> are interested in shelling out big bucks for a luxury diesel.

Yes, I suppose you're right!  To most 'merican motorists a gasoline engine
is quieter, though it sucks more fuel then a Diesel motor.  Also, problems
with the MB 350 Diesel hurt luxury Diesel sales some years ago.

> I think an A4 Avant q TDI would be would be awfully nice for a daily
> driver/hauler. That's probably why it's the province of VW- people pay
> less for a more commuting-minded car. gotta drive a 5sp TDI sometime.  You might be surprised at the

> BTW, even the A4 chassis VW TDIs still make quite a bit of racket
> driving around-
> I'm not impressed by this engine at all. The MB E300D is a bit better,
> probably due to the sound insulation although neither smokes like the old
> turbodiesels.

The MB E300D is no longer available in the USA.  However, MB is thinking of
bringing over a CDI Turbo-Diesel for the USA market.  Remember, in Europe,
close to 50% of all new vehicles are OM powered.

>I remember one time following a MB 300SD on the highway and it was quite
>obvious every time he stepped on the gas- big black cloud came out behind
>the car.

That was old Diesel technology with high sulphur Diesel fuel.    History!

Give me a VW Lupo 5sp TDI.....90MPG on Diesel.

Screw OPEC!!

Ed Birch........93-100S

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