Solution to not so cold AC

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Sat May 4 19:52:47 EDT 2002

At 12:10 PM 5/4/02, you wrote:
>He has come up with a
>diagnosis...lack of airflow to the condenser (the part in front of the
>radiator, I think that's the condenser). If you feel it, there are
>distinctive hot and cool spots on it. Anyway, when he put a fan in front of
>it, the pressures dropped and the vent temp went down to as low as 39

Sounds reasonable, the converted A/C in my 82 Coupe behaves simalarly, when
at a stop, it only pushed out lukecold air, but when moving over about 20
mph, look out for flying icicles from the vent.

George Selby
83 Audi Coupe GT
gselby4x4 at

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