Was: closing speeds Now: Driving in the U ASS of A

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Mon May 6 17:29:01 EDT 2002

Halliluiah! babe.  I'd pay $1000. per year if I could
legally drive like a human.  I'm actually afraid to
high beam these A**holes driving TODAY 45 mph in the
third lane in a 65 mph speed limit zone because they
might call the cops on me with their cell
phone(conveniently at their ear).  In general American
drivers ABSOLUTELY suck!!!  And I say that with no
reservation or remorse whatsoever.  They SUCK!   They
couldn't drive their way out of a paper bag if they
saw the opening.  Left turns from the far right lane.
45 mph in the far left lane and then fingering YOU
when you finally pass them on the right?  HELLO!!!
WE NEED HELP!  BIG TIME!!  Something is seriously
broke d*ck here and I really don't know what to do to
help fix it.  BTW, for the most part I really don't
tailgate, pass on the right or swerve in and out on
lanes, although it IS SO tempting and easy to do.  I
much prefer the REAL smooth approach, and my
wallet(fuel mileage) agrees.  Let off WAY before when
appoaching a slow moving mullet, etc.  I really like
driving fast, I just don't dig the hammmer on/hammer
off approach too much anymore.

Jim Accordino

--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Exactly- as you said, there is no lane discipline
> here in the US.
> If people religiously followed the traffic rules of
> the road, it would
> not be a problem, but in a country where people
> regularly change lanes
> in front of me (when I'm in the far left lane),
> refuse to accelerate to
> pass
> while they're going 65 and I'm going 85 and then
> refuse to pull back
> over into
> the middle lane, it's plain dangerous.
> When people run red lights and give me the finger
> when I object, it is
> absolutely
> stupid.
> I'm all for instituting German driver licensing
> codes and requiring
> everyone
> else to take public transportation. Then maybe we
> can raise speed limits
> on the
> highways to 85-100, traffic and weather conditions
> permitting. It'll be
> a cold day
> in hell before that happens.
> Taka

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