Was: closing speeds Now: Driving in the U ASS of A
Burl Vibert
blur at sympatico.ca
Mon May 6 23:53:15 EDT 2002
Oddly, things seem a bit better lately in my area. I drive what is
probably the busiest highway in Canada daily and I've seen fewer
left-lane hogs lately. I have no idea why. Things usually seem to
move along nicely at about 110-140kph.
I'm sure things will change soon when vacationers start clogging it
I have noticed that driving with my lights on makes my vehicle a bit
more noticeable. I haven't scared anyone in weeks.
Burl Vibert
1987 5kcstq
Kingston, Ontario
james accordino wrote:
> Halliluiah! babe. I'd pay $1000. per year if I could
> legally drive like a human. I'm actually afraid to
> high beam these A**holes driving TODAY 45 mph in the
> third lane in a 65 mph speed limit zone because they
> might call the cops on me with their cell
> phone(conveniently at their ear). In general American
> drivers ABSOLUTELY suck!!! And I say that with no
> reservation or remorse whatsoever. They SUCK! They
> couldn't drive their way out of a paper bag if they
> saw the opening. Left turns from the far right lane.
> 45 mph in the far left lane and then fingering YOU
> when you finally pass them on the right? HELLO!!!
> WE NEED HELP! BIG TIME!! Something is seriously
> broke d*ck here and I really don't know what to do to
> help fix it. BTW, for the most part I really don't
> tailgate, pass on the right or swerve in and out on
> lanes, although it IS SO tempting and easy to do. I
> much prefer the REAL smooth approach, and my
> wallet(fuel mileage) agrees. Let off WAY before when
> appoaching a slow moving mullet, etc. I really like
> driving fast, I just don't dig the hammmer on/hammer
> off approach too much anymore.
> Jim Accordino
> --- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> > Exactly- as you said, there is no lane discipline
> > here in the US.
> >
> > If people religiously followed the traffic rules of
> > the road, it would
> > not be a problem, but in a country where people
> > regularly change lanes
> > in front of me (when I'm in the far left lane),
> > refuse to accelerate to
> > pass
> > while they're going 65 and I'm going 85 and then
> > refuse to pull back
> > over into
> > the middle lane, it's plain dangerous.
> >
> > When people run red lights and give me the finger
> > when I object, it is
> > absolutely
> > stupid.
> >
> > I'm all for instituting German driver licensing
> > codes and requiring
> > everyone
> > else to take public transportation. Then maybe we
> > can raise speed limits
> > on the
> > highways to 85-100, traffic and weather conditions
> > permitting. It'll be
> > a cold day
> > in hell before that happens.
> >
> >
> > Taka
> >
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