Was: M3 versus Truck, truck wins Now: closing speeds

Richard Beels dare2dream at compuserve.com
Mon May 6 22:33:01 EDT 2002

Happened to me last year.  I was tooling along trying (and easily doing so)
to keep the Mercedes and BMW behind me in the Hertz Jaguar on my way to

Truck.  Belching clouds of diesel exhaust that wouldn't even make it by the
judges in the Australian Truck Series...

Funny thing was, all 3 of us gave the driver a toot and the finger on our
way past...   :-)

Oh, and I have no problem flicking high-beams on some LeftLaneLucy when the
situation requires it.  I just make sure the left foot is ready for the
brake check.  And when I pass on the right, I'm already giving the
mono-digital hand salute....

Road rage is really what happens to lead up to the public's idea of road
rage.  <sigh>

At 18:03 05/06/2002, Shakespearean monkeys danced on james accordino's
keyboard and said:
>--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> > zero traffic. There was a clip of a RS4 passing some
> > "regular" traffic
> > while traveling at 140mph or thereabouts.
> >
> > Absolutely stupid.
> >
> > Passing someone with a 70+ mph differential is just
> > plain stupid. These
> > guys
> > need to take it to the track.
> >
> > Taka
> >
>I agree with you regarding the US.  We have just about
>zero lane disipline here.  However in Germany, those
>closing speeds and higher are common.  I'll tell you
>that I was VERY nervous at first, thinking each one
>would suddenly pull in front of me.  That does happen
>occasionally of course, usually with quite horrific
>results.  Very difficult to get used to, for me
>Jim Accordino


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