Looking for the Bentley 3-book set for '92-'97 100/A6/S4

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Sat May 11 01:16:35 EDT 2002

At 11:46 PM -0400 5/10/02, Brent Henry wrote:

>I understand that these manuals have been discontinued from print
>(but future re-printings are possible?).  Anyways, I would like to
>buy a used set somewhere.  I have seen the CD-ROM, but would much
>rather get the books.  If anyone has a good set, let me know.

I'd suggest also registering a "looking for" advert in the
marketplace if you haven't done so already; that helps in trying to
track down hard to find items(particularly if other listers use it
when they have something unusual to sell, hint hint everybody! :-)

I was going to ask why only used, and then I saw the price tag($260!)
That's a spicy meatball...

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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