sprocket & cam

JShadzi at aol.com JShadzi at aol.com
Sun May 12 12:55:46 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
No tricks, only one right way to do it, install the cam at the correct engine
TDC position, with both #1 lobes facing up, and the mark of the cam pulley
lined up with the valve cover gasket, and the mark on the flywheel lined up
to crank TDC.

You need to be very careful, as you could easily damage your engine if you
don't do this right.  Sounds like you might want to re-asses your last
installation to see if its anywhere close to where it should be?


In a message dated 5/11/2002 11:08:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
infernocl at wi.rr.com writes:

> i am curious as how to set the cam in my NG, when i took it apart the first
> time 2 years ago, it took me driving to set it right (1 week later).
> how am i suposed to know where the cam is supposed to be set at.
> if anybody have any hints and tricks it'll be helpful.

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