Thinking of trading my '97 A41.8TQ for S6 Avant...

josh Wyte josh_wyte at
Sun May 12 20:41:39 EDT 2002

Dammit Lee,

Why'd you have to post that link?! Now see what you
have me thinking about?

Here's the deal, Lee posted a link for a nice, clean
S6 Avant that's somewhat local to me.  1995, black,
black, 78k miles.

I currently have a '97 A4 1.8TQ with 71k miles, all
options, Audi Assured (for another 5k miles) some nice
mods etc.  However, it's a little small for me, and I
recently built a '90 VW GLI 16v to use as my daily
beat around/race car.  Since it's also a 4 door, I
could really use something that's a little larger and
more convenient to haul stuff in.

What's the deal with the S6 Avants?  Weak points?  The
car is listed on their site for $24,900, is that
reasonable?  Seems kinda high to me...



Josh Wyte
Momentum Motorsports
508-833-3024 After 5 pm EST

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