Replacement Fuel Pump new terminal size?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed May 15 09:44:58 EDT 2002

Might help if you identify the model/year????

At 09:42 PM 05/14/2002 -0600, Steve Sherman wrote:

>I got my replacement fuel pump, and was almost ready to put it in, when
>I noticed a potential problem...
>The old pump had the pos terminal small diameter htan neutral while the
>new pump has it bigger (eg larger diameter than the neutral).  Not a
>biggie, I can easily ream the connector on the + lead to fit over this
>terminal stud and get a new nut and washer, but I got to thinking maybe
>this is a sign that I got the wrong replacement.  The old part nos are
>447 906 091A (vw) and 580 254 016 (bosch) while the new ones are 447 906
>091C and 580 254 023.  The parts place double checked and this is
>supposed to be the right replacement.
>Any listers replace their pumps run into this, or have I got the wrong

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