lifters + synth vs. petroil question

Richard Hoffman billzcat1 at
Thu May 16 10:09:04 EDT 2002

Of course the lifter job is the best way to ensure the lifters aren't
ticking, and of course the vaccuum pump is a big source of noise as well.

In my time, I switched from dino 10w30 (didn't know any better) to Mobil1
15w50.  The lifter tick is gone now so long as I keep it pretty full.
Before I swear it was all 20 lifters ticking in harmony with each other,
making it sound like I was driving a motor full of gravel.
Of course this is on a 20v motor, but when I made the suggestion to my
4kq-driving friend, the 20w50 he used shut the lifters up very nicely.

I would definetly give a nice thick synth a try before I did a lifter job.
It only costs a few bucks more to do it and you have to change the oil every
now and then anyway, right??? :P

Oh, the only drawback I have encountered:  the synthetic oil tends to
dissolve deposits and clean out the motor more, and old seals with built-up
deposits tend to get hard...I had a little leak on the front main seal which
got quicker and is now slowing - the synth  is softening the seal again so
it's doing its job.
Your Mileage May Vary!!

1990 CQ 201K

>From: "Brady Moffatt" <bradym at>
>To: "quattro" <quattro at>
>Subject: lifters + synth vs. petroil question
>Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 10:22:19 -0400
>Hi All,
>Small dilemna here. Great running engine in my 4kq, except for lifter
>ticking, sometimes pretty loud. I keep the oil level topped up (it doesn't
>burn any oil anyways) and change it every 5000km.
>Here's the question: Should I switch to synthetic? I've heard conflicting
>opinions on this re:lifters. Will synth and its detergent qualities unstick
>the lifters? Or will its thinner nature drain down out of them faster and
>therefore cause more tick at startup and thereafter? Or will synth's better
>flowing traits fill them up faster on startup and therefore make everything
>quieter? ACK!
>I have no leaks anywhere on the engine right now. At 286,000km
>(178,000miles), am I asking for leaks at seals if I switch to synth?
>Of course, new lifters _are_ an option! I'd just like to be sure that I
>can't restore them to their former glory first.
>Brady Moffatt
>Montreal, Quebec, Canada
>86 4ksq, 286,000km
>86 4ksq, 208,000km parts car
>72 Datsun 240Z, 180,000 miles
>In early stages of quattrosis accumulatus
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