Disappearing (and reappearing) BRAKES - update

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Wed May 22 15:00:07 EDT 2002

At 08:59 AM 05/22/2002 -0700, amz at eskimo.com wrote:

>More info...  Got car back from shop.  Brakes worked fine again.  Until...
>I sat in traffic (much like the other day) with the clutch pushed in.  It
>seems as though the brakes only "drain" when the clutch is pushed all the
>way in.  After a while (of having the clutch pedal in the "up" position),
>the brakes return to normal.
>Leaky clutch master or ????

Didn't you say there was no loss of brake fluid during the previous loss of
braking ability?   Did the shop say what was done?

It's possible you have a failing brake master cylinder that misperforms
when it gets hot from sitting still in traffic but works OK when movement
causes enough airflow through the engine compartment to cool the brake MC some.

You could try carrying a container of cold water in the car and pouring it
over the brake MC the next time you experience the brake problem to see if
that cooling causes the brake performance to improve.


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