R12 --> R134 on 4kq. Works, but....

Peter Golledge petergg at dimensional.com
Mon May 27 21:42:07 EDT 2002

Bob wrote:

> I just converted my 4kq over today from R12 to R134 and so far I have to give it a serious thumbs
> up. It gets so cold you can see your breath.. I didnt put a thermometer in front of it yet but if
> you leave your hand in front of it for a few seconds it hurts!
> However (Why cant anything go as planned?)....  The AC compressor doesnt kick in on its own.  To
> fill it I jumpered the clutch to get things circulating and all is well.  When I was done, I
> plugged it back in and it still doesnt kick in. Any suggestions on where to look first??

Check the pressure switches... low/high  don't know where they are on a
4k but they should
be on the plumbing somewhere.  If the O-tube is clogged and the low
pressure side is getting
way low it kicks out the compressor, ditto for high if you have too much
high side pressure.

> I went with the freon detector to see if I had any leaks, and I dont appear to so thats good news.
> There is still a little bit of air bubbles in the sight glass which I usually try to get rid of,
> but it doesnt seem to be taking any more freon from the cans...

Ummm you may have overfilled....  How many cans?  What is the R12 charge
spec for a 4K?
(R134a should be 80% of R12 charge).

Peter Golledge

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