
BenediktRochow at oaktech.com BenediktRochow at oaktech.com
Tue May 28 15:19:37 EDT 2002

I had a brief look at the headlights of a new US-spec Mercedes G the other
about 7" diameter, H4 bulb, and apart from the fluted or frosted top-3/4"
and a bunch of writing at the bottom ("E12" in a circle, "DOT" - or "SAE",
fails me - and lots of numbers), the lens was completely clear.

If this is legal, I wonder what else might be (I guess regular old H4
lights just lack
the DOT seal?) - and is it possible to buy generic-sized lights that work
this way?
Has anybody seen how these work?
Considering the "E12" mark, I'd guess these are used in Europe as well. Is
any word on how they compare to lights there?


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