help / body specs & alignment

Nicholas Lawrence nick at
Sat Nov 2 19:54:20 EST 2002

Car is a 1990 200tqa with 158k miles.  I had it aligned a year ago and
although it all came into specs, the camber on the left side was at the
limit of specs and travel. (negative camber)
I have since disturbed it by replacing strut inserts, strut mounts, and
inner control arm bushings.
I have heard its somewhat common on type 44 to have a problem adjusting out
excessive negative camber?  Any comments?

One of my body front section measurements may be off.  According to my 1985
5k Bentley manual the dimension between the forward, outside strut mounting
bolt holes should be 46 5/32".  Mine measures 45 13/16". I don't find the
similar body specs in my '89/'91 100/200 Bentley manual. Does any one know
if this dimension is the same?   Anyone able to measure a known good spec
If in fact mine is "narrow" at the top of the strut towers this would
contribute to the increased negative camber.

To the best of my knowledge any inspection this car has never been in an

Any help will be appreciated.
Nick Lawrence

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