VW List Referral Needed

Richard Beels beels at technologist.com
Sun Nov 3 13:16:10 EST 2002

It's an early 99, so Gen3 and not TDI.  Why not?  Because the guy who I
bought it from didn't want one?   :-)

At 11/03/2002 at 09:56, Shakespearean monkeys danced on Dan Simoes's
keyboard and said:
>If it's a TDI, tdiclub.com is your best bet.
>If not (and why not?) then vwvortex.com.
>Or you can just ask me if you have a problem.
>I did start up an A4-chassis VW list on vwfans.com but only 50 people or
>so signed up and it's pretty much dead now.
>Richard Beels wrote:
> >
> > Just added a 99 Jetta to the stable.
> >
> > Links, pointers, etc...  all gladly accepted.
> >
> > Cheers!


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