help removing fender 84 5kt

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Mon Nov 4 09:34:02 EST 2002

The strippage of the 84 5kt parts car is coming along.

Ran into a snag on the weekend trying to remove the driver side fender.  I
think I have removed all the fasteners but, it feels like it is still
attached somewhere near the door post, but I can't see any fasteners.
I removed the phillips screw attaching the fender at the top by the door
hinge, and the other one halfway down the fender.  Also, there were two
bolts under the fender.  I can't figure out how to remove the small piece of
rubber (plastic?) trim at the bottom, so there might be a screw or bolt
under that.
Also, where the top screw was (by the door hinge), it looks like there is
some sort of NASA grade epoxy used.
Anybody else done this and have some tips?


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