quattro digest, Vol 1 #4158 - 13 msgs

SJ syljay at optonline.net
Mon Nov 4 14:05:25 EST 2002

Do not use tap water when prepping the antifreeze. Use Distilled water . .
.like the kind they use for steam irons. There is a reason they want
distilled water in that iron . . . it keeps the iron from plugging up with
deposits. Hot iron = hot engine.

The minerals in tap water precipitate out . . . check out the hot water
faucets in your house. Notice the lime buildup? I dont want that in my
engine or radiators. Distilled water is cheap insurance. I think it costs
the same as windshield washer fluid . . . cheaper than spring drinking

I always save the Pentosin Anti-freeze containers. When I buy new A/F, I
empty half into an empty container . . then add the distilled water into
each container to the full mark. On each such container I write with magic
marker "50/50 mix". Now its all set to go, no measuring required. Also, if
you have a partially filled container . . .. 6 months down the road . . .
.you will know if its straight or 50/50.

85 4k - - sold but still on the road
88 5kq
90 100q

> Message: 4
> From: "Robert M" <porter_dog at hotmail.com>
> To: j.d.larson at verizon.net, CTDiesel at aol.com, quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re:another antifreeze question
> Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2002 07:56:11 -0500
>    I've been following this thread with interest, as I recently aquired a
> low mileage '87 4kcsq that I hope to use seasonally for the next (? many!)
> years.  Natch, it needs some work and a coolant flush/fill is on the list
> things to do.
>    Honestly, I always figured that the 'You need to use our coolant...'
> statements from VW/Audi could be translated as 'We want as many of your
> dollars as we can get...', but some of the explainations here are making
> think.
>    Prestone has this to say: (go to the coolant FAQ at
> )
> "Q: Does Prestone=AE Antifreeze/Coolant contain phosphates?
> A: Some European automobile manufacturers request that a phosphate-free
> antifreeze be used in their vehicles. This issue is related to the
> high mineral content of the water in Europe. If you were to mix an
> antifreeze that contained phosphates with the type of water they have in
> Europe, it may produce deposits that can settle in the cooling system and
> promote corrosion. However, in North America we do not have this type of
> water problem. Typical North American coolants have contained phosphates
> (which is part of the corrosion inhibitor package) for many years.
> Therefore, the question of phosphates is a non-issue here in North
> Prestone=AE Antifreeze/Coolant is completely safe for use in both foreign
> nd
> domestic vehicles. For those consumers who would feel more comfortable
> a phosphate-free antifreeze, our Prestone=AE Extended Life 5/150
> Antifreeze/Coolant is phosphate, silicate, and borate free. This coolant
> uses a special chemistry and technology that extends the life of the
> corrosion inhibitor package so that it lasts for five years or 150,000
> (whichever comes first), and is safe for all cars and light trucks (old or
> new). Prestone=AE Extended Life 5/150 Antifreeze/Coolant has been approved
> by
> General Motors under their DEX-COOL=AE specifications and is compatible
> other DEX-COOL=AE approved coolants."
>    Comments?
> Robert

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