95.5 CD Sound System Options

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Tue Nov 5 01:46:42 EST 2002

Christopher Gharibo writes:
> I have a 95.5 S6 Avant that I am having exceptionally difficult time getting
> fitted with an OEM CD changer.

I assume you have the Audi Delta CC radio, which I believe is what
came with the 95.5 S6 models.

This problem is not unexpected considering the fact that your car is now
almost 8 model years old and the radio/changer control protocol is
proprietary.  The changer (originally made by Alpine for Audi) is long
out of production, so you will have a hard time finding a new one.  You
may be able to get a used one from somewhere, perhaps try some of the
Audi specialty dismantlers.  I would be wary about buying a CD changer
that was in a wreck, though, or one that has been sitting in a yard,
exposed to the elements.  A CD changer is a precision laser-optical
device and you might get one that doesn't perform well.  If you choose
to try this route be sure to get some kind of return garantee if possible.

> I cant locate the OEM CD changer. Some people do have a CD changer that'll fit
> but they tell me about an interface adapter which I dont have and is
> apparently tough to find.

That is not a correct statement.  There is no adapter that will allow
an aftermarket changer to be used with the Delta CC radio.  A company
once tried to develop one, but that effort was abandoned.

There is an adapter that allows certain aftermarket changers to be used
with the later Concert and Symphony radios, but that is not what you have.

> If I cant find and OEM CD changer or this interface box, I guess my options
> are the following:
> 1. Swap an early A4 wide-DIN system in there with all the wiring back to the
> CD changer. Any BTDT? Do plugs plug right in? This way I can use the newer OEM
> A4 CD changers. Do the BOSE system work fine too?

No, an early A4 will have the same Delta CC radio as your car and requires
the same unobtanium changer.  If this is the sort of project you want to do,
then switch to a 98 through 99 Concert radio.  The Concert is the same
size as the Delta CC so it will physically fit and look right.  The
wiring is a problem, though.  The Delta CC radio has a somewhat different
wiring interface than the Concert, and you'll need to do surgery there to
make things work.  The plugs into the radio look the same, but a few of the
pins have different functions.  There is also an additional connector on
the back of the Concert that's absent from the Delta CC.  These are due to
differences in radio design (and the fact that the Concert is diagnostic-
capable and talks to the car's CAN bus, whereas the Delta CC isn't).

The radio-to-changer harness is also different between the two radios.
Before you go this route be sure to get your hands on the Bentley manual
for cars with both types of radios and study the pin-outs of the plugs and
wiring diagrams carefully and make sure you understand what you have to do.
It won't be trivial, because these radios interface with not only the CD
changer, but also with the instrument cluster, interior illumination,
antenna amplifier, diagnostic bus, etc, as well as external audio amplifiers
and speakers.  Bose equipped cars are even more complex.

Have I discouraged you enough?

> 2. Buy an aftermarket unit: Which units looks at home with respect to OEM
> look, lighting and plugs, etc.

You're not going to find any aftermarket radio that's going to plug
into the car's existing wiring harnesses.  Custom wiring will have to
be done.  If you have the trip computer in your instrument cluster,
no aftermarket radio will be able to display the radio information in
there like the factory radios do.  Your amplifiers and speakers will also
likely need to be replaced if you have Bose and change to an aftermarket

Another option is to install an aftermarket CD changer with RF remote
control and which transmits to your radio via an FM station frequency.
You will lose some sound quality but it may or may not matter to you
depending on how discriminating you are.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that's the way it is with the
Delta CC radio.

Check my Audi radios web site: http://www.amb.org/ti/audi/radios/

2003 A4 1.8T multitronic
2001 S4 biturbo 6-sp
1984 5000S turbo
1980 4000 2.0 5-sp
    ///  Ti Kan                Vorsprung durch Technik
   ///   AMB Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. USA
  ///    ti at amb.org
 //////  http://www.amb.org/ti/

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