CV Boot 80q

Bhatti, Mohammed Mohammed.Bhatti at
Tue Nov 5 11:01:33 EST 2002

Thanks to all who replied.  Went ahead and bought the crimping tool,
tightened the clamps and everything was downhill after that.

Now I have all the tools to do the other side which I'm sure won't take me 3
days.  Most of the time was spent scratching my ahead and making trips to
the local Sears or auto parts store getting the correct tools.  The outers
on an 80/90 look like a job that should not really take more than a couple

One more thing.  Bentley shows removal of the lower ball joint bolt.  Not
necessary to do this.  All that needs to be removed are the link rod bolt
and the two bolts that hold the strut housing.

This was something I was dreading to do and had been putting off for about 6
months.  I would not have attempted this without the list and all the input
I got.

Thanks again folks.

88 80q

-----Original Message-----
From: Huw Powell
To: james accordino
Cc: John Larson; Mohammed.Bhatti at; quattro at
Sent: 11/3/2002 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: CV Boot 80q

> You don't want to use screw type hose clamps to secure the boots.  Not
> are there clearance issues, but you'll cause an unwanted imbalance,
> minor.

> Ok, so whats the technique to tighten these?  Any special tools

Yes, there is a special plier thingie that tightens the ring while
crimping the closure.

> How bout "wire-ties"?  They're good, right?  And cause
> they're plastic, they don't rust.  They even come in
> colors.

while I think they'd be good to get the car somewhere that the proper
ring can be clamped on, I would worry a tiny bit about the fact that
they never quite close with pressure on the full 360 degrees - there's a
small gap at the "tie up" point, grease could escape, grit could get in
- maybe.

I used a zip tie when I discovered my new rack's sealing clamp had
"vanished," until I could bring it next door and fix it properly... uh,
I *think* I fixed it properly, anyway...

Huw Powell

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