fluid filling techniques.

Ed Birch edwbirch at comcast.net
Tue Nov 5 17:59:06 EST 2002

DJ wrote......

> Anyone have ideas for filling transmission and differentials with gear
> Cant get the bottle high enough.   I dont want to spend 200 bucks for a
> either.

I assume that you have manual transmission with one drain and one fill?

I just had my 93-100S transaxel drained and refilled with Audi Synthetic
gear lubs.
G-50, I believe.....Expen$$ive $tuff, too.

Anyway, the mechanic used a large squirt can to fill. Took a while but he
hand-pumped in about 2 and a half quarts of gear lube.

Let me repeat what has been said several times on this list: Make sure you
can remove the fill plug BEFORE you drain the transmission.

Ed Birch, KOP
'02 BMW K1200RS
77 BMW R-75/7

(Synthetic oil used in all, except the V6-12V where I would leak out!!)

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