Anyone interested in a '93 90S ???

auditodd at auditodd at
Wed Nov 6 15:52:57 EST 2002

A family friend is thinking about selling his '94 S4, and
his wife sent my wife an email asking if I would be
interested. Hell yes! BUT, I would need to sell my '93 90S.

It's pearl white, manaul transmission, 139K miles, brand
new tires. Overall in very excellent shape. There are
only two nagging issues that I can think of. First, the
clock spring for the air bag needs to be replaced.
Second, the waterpump and timing belt are coming up on
60K miles duration at 142K miles. It even has a 10disc
Sony CD changer that I would be willing to throw into the

Oh, and the driver's side cat has been gutted because it
started to break up. It was an aftermarket cat, and the
place I bought if from would only sell me a new one and
then decide if they were going to refund my money under
warranty. Yeah right, I'm not falling for that. If I keep
the car, I intend to get a $60 replacement cat and have
it welded into the current pipe. The aftermarket unit
moved a generic cat farther back than the OEM, so any
aftermarket cat should fit fine.

I would need to get $6000 for my car.......

The car is located in the Twin Cities, MN area if anyone
is interested.

If I can't sell my car, I'll probably just hang on to it,
fix the outstanding issues over the course of the next
year, and then once I get the loan paid off, keep it and
buy a 4x4 for winter.

Todd Young

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