4ks motor / trans mount question.

Roger Albert ralbert at metrowerks.com
Wed Nov 6 16:07:42 EST 2002

Hi all,

Been ages since I've posted.  Over the last few months, I've noted a clunk from the front end when shifting and accelerating anything but very mildly.  Looked around and couldn't figure it out.

When working with a friend on another issue and trying to demonstrate the clunk while he observed, he observed that the motor is moving a LOT.  We swapped roles and I bet the motor moves up 4 inches while holding the car with the brakes and then feeding in some clutch and gas.  My motor mounts, which I replaced a couple years ago, seem fine.

What else besides those motor mounts positively locates the motor and tranmission assembly?
Could some sort of bar or link have dropped off or broken?  Either the car is missing something literally, or I am mentally/figuratively.

Any ideas appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

Roger (wishing he knew his old 4ks as well as his bikes and pcar)

Austin, TX
1999 R1100S, Black, no ABS; 1994 Ducati M900; 1988 HawkGT
BMW: 2x76R90/6 74R90/6 65R60/2 63R90/2 Conversion project
86 Porsche 944, 86 Audi 4000S, 80 El Camino, 73 Guzzi Eldorado

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