Rear brake caliper disassembly; 4000Q or 80-90Q

james accordino ssgacc at
Sat Nov 9 07:57:16 EST 2002

I've also had some success with removing the piston
o-ring and seal boot and reinstalling the piston a few
turns on the shaft.  Then turn the caliper over(piston
facing down and slam the ears down on a block of wood.
 Most pop right out on the first hit.  Usually the
o-ring that seals the brake fluid/grease transition at
the base of the piston rod is ALL gooped up.

Jim Accordino

--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at> wrote:
> At 10:03 PM 11/08/2002 -0600, Greg Galinsky wrote:
> Looking for in depth
> >details on the disassembly of the parking brake
> internal parts.  Have the
> >internal snap ring off and nothing happens. What am
> I missing?
> If you have the internal snap ring out, you already
> have the piston off and
> are looking at a threaded rod sticking out of the
> bottom of the
> cylinder.  That rod and its base are a machined fit
> into a recess in the
> bottom of the cylinder.  It's tough to break the
> grip of the tight fit, but
> I found using a pair of screwdrivers levering
> against the threads allowed
> me to loosen up the grip and remove the threaded
> rod.  Below that is a
> pocket with a little foot-ball shaped piece that
> fits into a groove
> machined into the rod from the E-brake actuator
> lever.  That football keeps
> the actuator from sliding out of the caliper.  With
> the threaded rod
> removed, you can pull out the football and the
> E-brake actuator rod will
> slide out of the caliper.

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