200 Avant rear wiper wiring (another attempt)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Mon Nov 11 08:02:06 EST 2002

At 11:11 PM 11/10/2002 -0500, Konstantin Bogach wrote:
>Hi listers.
>Rear wiper on my 200tqa '89 is not working.  The motor unit is fine.  I
>have problem of testing wiring and relay because I can not locate the
>relay and I don't know where are connectors the wires go through.  Relay
>in not in #12  in auxilary relay panel as Bentley says.  This place is
>empty.  Anybody know where I can find that relay and/or connector.

No experience/knowledge here, but is the wiring to the blank relay space
intact?  Maybe the reason you can't test the wiring at the motor end is
because someone pulled the relay previously?

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