shrapnel knobs and cheap chips

Steve Arbaugh sneekerz at
Tue Nov 12 17:18:44 EST 2002

Well, I played with the turbo shrapnel knob on our '86 wagon over the
and re-discovered a few things. My stock boost gauge (in-dash computer
thingy) does indeed read up to 1.8bar boost. This lends credence to the
being an actual chip, but I haven't taken the computer apart to verify
anything in there yet. One reason I'm still doubtful of the chip is the fuel
pump runs all the time, and I didn't think the chips did this. So, in the
mean time, I've compromised and set the shrapnel knob to a setting higher
than stock, but not at full scoot. It wouldn't put me in the good graces of
my wife if I blew up her car.

I'm also reminded how much fun the car is with the higher boost. Since we
got the car some 5 or 6 years ago, I've had the boost set close to stock
settings, since I knew I'd just get in trouble with it turned up to "go"
mode. I'd forgotten how much more alive the car is, and the turbo lag isn't
nearly as noticeable. Set at the stock levels, it seems there's just no real
power until you're "on the turbo", but that seems to disappear with the
higher boost levels. Interesting. Is it just me or is that the way these
are? I also need to get some straps for the intercooler, just in case.

For the immediate future however, I need to solve a leak in the right rear
door that fried the vacuum motor for the door locks and fix the now broken
vent for the battery. It's a bit ugly in there now, a bit of battery crud
growing and some water, but I don't think there's anything permanently bad.
Hopefully I can borrow a friends garage so I don't have to work in the
driveway in the rain: makes it harder to dry up water leaks that way...

'86 5ktqa
kent, wa

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